The further your HOI4 naval invasion has to travel, the more fleets and planes you’ll need. The attacks are resolved as between land units, but they ignore defense, hardness and armor. Different types of divisions have different “weights” that determine how many convoys you’ll need. Note that with naval strike, it's just naval_strike_attack_factor without air_. Allowed missions are: air_superiority, close_air_support, interception, strategic_bomber, paradrop, and naval_strike. Why does the AI always spam naval invasions out so quickly? The airforce isn’t terribly important, just make sure those in the West can fly over the English Channel, and that’s all you really care about. To add modified equipment, you have to address it by given name. (14) Congratulation, you won! This command can be used to print texture debug information to the game log (not console. and then right click the area you want naval superiority This command will add command power (max. Hello, quick post to notify people that the Naval Supremacy system is currently completely broken at a fundamental level.